sábado, 27 de setembro de 2008


Estava lendo o jornal onde Marta Suplicy lidera os pesquisas, um tanto quanto de preocupação ver umas das cidades mais grandes do país ganhar uma prefeita tão esquisita, "relaxa e goza", alguém lembra??? aham sim essa vai ser a resposta para muitas coisas durante o governo dela......esse circo eleitoral da uma dor de cabeça......mais o que mais da dor de cabeça e o povo que fala que não vota porque não se interessa...aham também podem agradecer a esse pessoal que não vota e não se interessa um pouquinho nas constantes robalheiras e esta nem ai com nada...apenas levantam a voz aos céus quando sua casa e roubada ou o carro some..........ai sim se sentem com direito de reclamar...então porque não olharam melhor aos candidatos na hora de votar, esses candidatos quando eleitos tem responsabilidade na segurança, na educação......aham sim , na educação dos seus filhos e filhas....falando neles....onde será que estão..........cuidado com a gravidez precoce hein.....(sarcasmo no ar afffffff)
Música para acalmar os animos.......¬¬.........Yoko Kanno & Scott Matthew - Beauty Is Within Us

O mother dear
Look what you've done
To your forlorn and once beloved son
Why was I born at all?
O mother dear
I'm such a freak
A mutant man, a woman underneath
Why was I born at all?

It's you I blame for all the shame
This anguish and this aching
The mirror turned against the wall
Myself despised, forsaken

You say, Beauty is within us, your mother knows
There's a beauty that's within us, just like a rose
You say, Beauty is within us, so let it grow
But it's grown so dark and ugly

O mother dear
I curse you so
For breathing life into your wretched son
Why were you born at all?
O mother dear
I love you so
O please forgive this anger in my soul
Without you I'm alone

It's me who's been eternally damned
Trapped inside this cage, a ruined man
All damaged and depraved

O mother dear
This misery
Has settled like a stain upon my skin
-a vast unspoken sin

And my mistake is much too late
But your mistake was trusting
That out of grief, a goodness comes
And love comes out of lusting

You say, Beauty is within us, your mother knows
There's a beauty that's within us, just like a rose
You say, Beauty is within us, so let it grow
But it's grown so dark and ugly

You say, Beauty is within us, your mother knows
There's a beauty that's within us, just like a rose
You say, Beauty is within us, so let it grow
But it's grown so dark I can not see you anymore

O beauty is within us, mother knows
O beauty is within us, like a rose
O beauty is within us, let it grow
O mother dear, let me out of here!"

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